南医大北美校友会与南加州中華科工學會医学专题讲座--慢性丙型肝炎 診斷与防治:现状与进展 (10:00AM-2:00PM,6-29-2013)
系南加州为数有限的,讲国语的华裔肝病专家,现任于加州大学尔湾分校医学中心,肝病服务中心主任,内科教授。胡医师毕业并任于武汉同济医科大学。在美国接受住院医生及肝病专科医生培训后,专精肝炎, 肝硬化, 肝癌及 换肝手术。胡医师为美国 Genentech/Pegasys特聘的专家顾问,并热心于华人社区的肝病教育。本次讲座将于6月29日上午10:00AM至2:00PM在888 Seafood Restaurant, 8450 Valley Blvd, #121, Rosemead, CA 91770[626-573-1888 (电 话)] 。本次活动免费提供聚餐。因名額有限, 有意參加者请提早訂位。资助全由Genentech/Pegasys提供。訂位者请联系:
黄胜和教授 323-361-4160; shhuang@hsc.usc.edu
熊世钢教授 323-865-0577; shigangx@usc.edu
李军医师 310-483-8750; junlikong@hotmail.com
The coming AASMU/CESASC Seminar
Title: Chronic Hepatitis C in the United States: Epidemiology, Natural History, and Recommendations for Screening (慢性丙型肝炎:现状与进展)
Speaker: Ke-Qin Hu, MD
Director, Hepatology Services and Professor of Clinical Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, UCI Medical Center
Goal: Increasing the knowledge and awareness of primary care
physicians and medical scientists on viral hepatitis C and the
Support: Genentech/Pegasys is the sole sponsor of this AASMU-NA
Program joined with CESASC.
Date: June 29, 2013 (Saturday 10:00AM-2:00 PM)
Location: 888 Seafood Restaurant, 8450 Valley Blvd, #121, Rosemead, CA 91770
Attendees: Community primary care physicians, medical
investigators & students, and related professionals.
Lunch: Free meal is provided for all attendees. Pre-registration is required.
免费提供聚餐。因名額有限, 有意參加者请提早訂位。
Contact: Dr. Sheng-He Huang
323-361-4160; shhuang@hsc.usc.edu
Dr. Shigang Xiong
323-865-0577; shigangx@usc.edu
Dr. Jun Li
310-483-8750 junlikong@hotmail.com