(Revised 2021 年11 月18 日)
第 一 章 校友会名称
本校友会是在美国加州政府注册的非政治性,非营利性团体。校友会的全称为“南方医科大学北美校友会”(简称校友会),英文名称为 “Southern Medical University Alumni Association in North America”,(英文简称为"SMUAA-NA")。遵守美国1954
年税务法501(C)(3)有关免交联邦所得税机构之规定以及1954 年税务法170(C) (2)有关向本会捐款人可以在所得税中扣除捐款数目之规定。校友会总部设在美国洛杉矶(Los Angeles), 北美其他各区以及国家可以设立分会。
第 二 章 校友会宗旨
第 三 章 校友会会员及义务
第 一 节 会员
凡在北美学习、工作或生活,拥护本会的章程,经本人与本会联系登,曾在南方医科大学(包括其他合并院校以及前身院校, 如中国人民解放军军医学院, 中国人民解放军第一军医大学)及其前身学习或工作过的毕业生、肄业生、进修生、留学生,访问学者和教职员工均可加入本会。
第 二 节 会员的权利与义务
第 四 章 校友会理事会
第 一 节 会长
第 二 节 常务副会长及副会长
校友会理事会设常务副会长1名和副会长若干名。常务副会长的职责为协助会长统筹校友会日常工作, 在会长缺席的情况下代表会长行使职权。副会长将由新当选的理事会全体理事以无记名投票方式产生。副会长可以连任或兼职。
第 三 节 理事
第 四 节 校友会董事會
董事會由卸任或名誉会长组成, 主要对理事会工作起监督与协助 作用。主席由前届卸任会长担任。
第五节 校友会顾问
第 五 章 会员代表大会和理事会的选举
第 一 节 会员代表大会
会员代表大会为校友会最高权力机构。定期召开会员代表大会, 选举产生校友会理事会,决定校友会的方针和重大活动,修改校友会章程。
第 二 节 理事会候选人
第 三 节 选举
理事会选举将以无记名投票的方式在会员代表大会上或网络投票的形式进行。会长及副会长的任免需有三分之二理事同意。经由十名以上正式会员连署, 校友会也可以召开特别理事扩大会。
第 六 章 校友会的财务及会计
本会活动经费来源为 1). 会员赞助; 2). 母校提供的资助;3). 校友及社会捐赠;4). 向政府申请资助;5). 其他合法收入。本会建立严格的财务管理制度并受理事会及全体会员
Bylaws of the Southern Medical University Alumni Association in North America (SMUAA-NA)(Revised by November 18, 2021)
1. Name
The name of this organization is “The Southern Medical University America Alumni in North America”, henceforth referred to as the “SMUAA-NA”, which is a non-profit, non-political organization and officially registered in the state of California, USA. The Chinese name of the association is “南方医科大学北美校友会”. The SMUAA-NA headquarters are located in Los Angeles, CA, USA, and there may be the alumni association branches set up in other various regions and countries of the North America.
2. Mission
The mission of the SMUAA-NA is to (1) network with Southern Medical University (SMU) alumni in North America, promote friendships, exchange information, help each others, and benefit all from the organization; (2) maintain contact with our home University, support development of the University in the public technology education and scientific researches, and promote the welfare of SMU.
3. Membership and Privileges
3.1 Membership
Any former students, staff and faculty of the Southern Medical University (including all merged and any former Institutes), currently living in the North America, can join the Association as a member with full membership privileges, by submitting an application and acknowledging the Association bylaws.
3.2 Member Privileges and Responsibilities
Active members are entitled to the voting privileges and eligibility to be nominated as a candidate for the Board of Directors. All members should support and participate in activities sponsored by the Association, SMUAA-NA and related organizations, such as, information exchanges, academic and technology collaborations. It is our member’s responsibility to promote the Association's development and to protect the interests of the Association and home University, as well.
4. Board of Directors
The Association shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of at least seven board members. Board of directors members shall be elected from the slate of eligible candidates at
the Association assembly of member’s meeting, with a regular term of two years, and may be re-elected. All regional presidents of the Association branches are considered as representatives of the Board of Directors. The duties of the Board of Directors are to implement the decisions established by the assembly of member’s meeting, to operate the association routine business and activities, and to manage the financial matters.
4.1 President
The President shall be elected from among the Board of Directors members by a majority voting. The term of the President shall be two years. During his/her duty, the President can accept any additional positions and duties from other organizations.
4.2 Executive Vice President and Vice Presidents
There are one Executive Vice President and several Vice Presidents from the Board of Directors. The Duty of the Executive Vice President is to assist the President work in the daily operation and business. In case of absence of the President, the Executive Vice President takes over the President responsibility. All Vice Presidents shall be elected from among the Board of Directors members by a majority voting, and may be re-elected, and may take other duties, as well.
4.3 Other Board of Directors Members
There are several other Board of Directors members, which also include the regional branch chairmen of the Association in different areas of North America, in addition to the President and Vice Presidents. The Duties of the Board of Directors members are to participate in Board member meetings, and to coordinate and organize various Association activities.
4.4 Presidents Council
Presidents Council consists of SMUAA-NA’s past presidents and plays an advisory role. The immediate past president shall become the council chair for two years. In case the immediate past president is unable to serve as chair, the council can select a chair.
4.5 Advisory Board
The Association is authorized to invite advisors to the Advisory Board. Advisory Board shall be composed of reputable SMU alumni, friends or current staff of the University, who are enthusiastic and support the Association and its activities. The Advisory Board members may be invited to attend the Board of Directors meetings, and to assist the Association works and its development.
5. Member Assembly Meeting and Elections
5.1 Assembly of Member’s Meeting
The assembly of member’s meeting is the highest authorized organization of the Association. The assembly of member’s meetings will be called annually. The tasks of the member Assembly meetings are to elect its board of Directors members, decide the association polices, plan major activities, and amend the bylaws.
5.2 Board of Directors Candidates
Every one may become the Board of Directors candidate when he or she is nominated by a member or himself or herself. Each candidate should explicitly indicate his/her qualifications, duties and responsibilities, for the slate of eligible candidates.
5.3 Elections
Members of Board of Directors shall be elected from the slate of eligible candidates at the Association annual assembly of member’s meeting by the secret ballot way or by email through an election committee consists of three members who are not candidates for the election. The election is conducted through email and the process includes nomination, candidate introduction and campaign statement, and voting by members. The appointment and dismisses of Association president and vice-presidents must have 2/3 Board of Directors members’ agreements. By way of ten above member joint signatures, the alumni association may also convene a special and expended Board of Directors members meeting.
6. Association Finance
The Treasurer (financial vice-president) is in charge of Association's finance, and shall present an annual report to the Board of Directors.